InFocus Proyektor Nirkabel

InFocus is the pioneer of wireless technology from Wisair to the presenter in a computer connected to the display like a projector wirelessly. With this wireless connection can share the presenter view HD-quality display on the big screen.

KabarIT launched from Wisair, previously suskses system has been used for a computer with Windows-based operating system. Now this system can work with MacOS-based computers such as MacBook, MacBook Pro and MacBook Air. Apple had not provided any port VGA or HDMI, which is standard for contact with the projector. For a complete audio video today, Mac users have to connect the adapter cable is a minimum of 3 mini-DisplayPort or a mini-DVI to VGA adapter cable, VGA cable connected to a projector for video and another cable for audio.

This is quite inconvenient for the MacBook user. But by using the InFocus, all cables above requires only one port is a USB port. USB port used to connect the transmitter and receiver are each mounted on the MacBook and displaylink like projectors.

This system will soon duluncurkan to the market at the end of this March 2010. But the retail price is unknown in the market.

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