Degree Creambath Bulk, MURI Makarizo Break Records
PRODUCT Makarizo hair care has deployed mass creambath event titled "Rame-Rame Creambath Yuuuuks .. Spread Out Your Energy of Love". This event has won awards from World Record Museum of Indonesia (MURI).
Hair is the most important crown to be maintained. Healthy hair has certainly become the pride of its owner.
Coincide on the day of love, beauty care product series, organizes Makarizo "Rame-Rame Creambath yuks .. Spread Out Your Energy of Love," which aims to spread the energy of love to the young. In addition, the team Creambath Energy Hair-Rame Rame yuks invites teens to have a beautiful and healthy hair and spread the energy of love for the soul, body, and mind.
The event took place at the top today, by taking thousands of pairs of teenage girls from different schools to follow fun walk along the 1.4 kilometers from the South Plaza Bung Karno Stadium to the pool area Bung Karno Stadium. Followed by mass creambath event.
This mass Creambath using three variants of the latest Anti Aging Hair Energy Makarizo Creambath of the Kiwi, Royal Jelly, and Aloe Vera as an initial action and shared care with a friend on the health of body and hair in order to get a full healthy hair. Because beautiful hair begins with healthy hair.
Not only the mass creambath course, but they are also involved showed a high social life. Evidenced by gathering donations of clothing for their friends who are less fortunate.
"Not only creambath attending mass, but the girls also participate by providing reasonable wear old clothes collected in Hair Energy giant sachets to be given to Social Services for distribution to the spread of street children in Jakarta," said Group General Manager Shierly Nangoy when the meet at Hotel Atlet, Jakarta, Sunday (14/2/2010).
In addition, the school that also serves as the party that determines the quality of the young generation is also involved in this event. Dozens of school principals present to receive plaques "Energy AntiNarkoba submitted by the National Narcotics Agency (BNN) as a manifestation of the school's commitment in maintaining the young generation the hook Drugs.
The event was successful mass creambath broke the record of MURI with creambath Most participants, in which as many as 1740 teenagers berpartisispasi. Not only scored a national record but also set a world record, it is delivered directly by Jaya Suprana.
"This is an event that had never happened. Because you have here is a world record breaking. So far, there has been no creambath most. The record was created by Makarizo," said Jaya Suprana.
Mass creambath Guide is also guided by Nikita Willy beautiful star who claims her hair is more beautiful now than ever. Thanks to a series of Energy Hair products, hair soap star "Nikita" it looks more smooth and radiant.
"Before the ad star treatment makarizo wear, my hair initially cracked and dry, but now broken-breaking is lost and healthier," said 15-year-old virgin is.
Nikita election as the latest commercials leading hair care products is not unreasonable. According to General Manager Marketing Joewone Setio Makarizo Agus, was based on various aspects.
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